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2024 AGM

Our School Council and Parent Association Executives have the same individuals elected to Executive Roles to ensure consistency between both avenues of parent engagement.


Our Mandate is to focus on what is best for all students in the school and consider the interests of all school stakeholders.  We aim to develop, maintain and reflect the culture of the school in collaboration with the Heritage Heights Administration and represent the parent voice of our school community.


Open Roles for 2024 AGM



Key Responsibilities:

  • Work collaboratively with fellow board members, parent community School staff & administration, Foothills School Division Trustee & Staff and community members.

  • Act as an advocate for parents of Heritage Height School.

  • Lead the Board in developing and maintaining strategic & financial plans.

  • Participate in the preparation of annual budget and periodic financial review throughout the year to manage expenses & requests for funding.

  • Ensure the organization is compliant with all applicable regulatory bodies.

  • Preside over all Board meetings and work with the Secretary and attendees to develop agendas.

  • Support all other Director Roles and initiatives.

  • Time commitment - 2 - 5 hrs per week




Key Responsibilities:

  • Assist the President in all Association activities and will carry out other duties assigned by the President.

  • Work collaboratively with fellow board members, parent community School staff & administration, Foothills School Division Trustee & Staff and community members.

  • Act as an advocate for parents of Heritage Height School.

  • Manage communication with members via website updates, email campaigns and social media accounts.

  • In the absence of the President, preside over all Board meetings and work with Secretary and attendees to develop agendas.

  • Support all other Director Roles and initiatives

  • Time commitment - 2 - 5 hrs per week


Event Coordinator


Key Responsibilities:

  • Work collaboratively with fellow board members, parent community School staff & administration, Foothills School Division Trustee & Staff and community members.

  • Planning and organizing events per the agreed upon Events Calendar.

  • Establishing & managing the budget for events, including tracking expenses and revenue per Parent Association Policies.

  • Booking venues, arranging for necessary equipment, and coordinating with vendors for supplies and services.

  • Designing promotional materials, organizing marketing campaigns, and engaging with the school community to promote events.

  • Recruiting, training, and supervising volunteers for events.

  • Overseeing event setup, ensuring all logistical needs are met, and troubleshooting any issues that arise.

  • Time commitment - 2 - 5 hrs per week


Communication Coordinator


Key Responsibilities:


  • Work collaboratively with fellow board members, parent community School staff & administration, Foothills School Division Trustee & Staff and community members.

  • Manage and update the Parent Association website and social media platforms.

  • Create and distribute newsletters, emails, and promotional materials as needed.

  • Promoting of Parent Association events & fundraising initiatives on website & social media platforms.

  • Engage with students, parents, staff, and community members to foster a positive school environment.

  • Time commitment - 1 - 2 hrs per week


Nomination Process


  • Only Voting Members in Good Standing can be nominated.

    • Voting Member = Any person having a vested interest in the educational well-being of students enrolled in Heritage Heights School, residing in Alberta, being of the full age of 18 years, who has completed the membership requirements and is in good standing with the Association, is eligible to become a Member of the Association with voting privileges at any General Meeting of the Association Membership.

    • Good Standing = registered member within 30 days of AGM date. Register as a Member HERE

  • Nominee Members must be nominated by another Voting Member in Good Standing.

  • Nominations are taken in person at the AGM

  • Nominations are presented & seconded.

  • Nominee’s must confirm their willingness to serve if elected. Nominees have the right to decline nominations.

  • Nominations are closed. All members present vote for their nominee of choice by a show of hands. Nominees with majority approval are considered elected.

  • If there is only one nominee for the role, a motion is made to elect the member for the role by acclamation. The President calls for a vote on the motion to elect by acclamation by a show of hands. Majority approval is required to elect the acclaimed nominee to the role.




  • Call to Order

  • Roll Call

  • Establish Quorum - Quorum at an Annual General Meeting of the Membership shall be 4 Members, 3 of whom must be Voting Members.

  • Approval of Minutes from 2023 AGM

  • Financial Review

    • Profit/Loss Report for Year Ending August 2024

    • Budget for September 2024 – August 2025

  • Activity & Fundraising Plan for 2024 - 2025

  • ​Nominations & Elections

  • Establishment of Auditors

  • Changes to Signatories

  • Adjourn Meeting


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